by Lindsay Mixer | Sep 14, 2023
Ansloos, J., & Dent, E. (2021). “Our spirit is like a fire”: Conceptualizing intersections of mental health, wellness, and spirituality with Indigenous youth leaders across Canada. Journal of Indigenous Social Development, 10(2), 29-53....
by Lindsay Mixer | Dec 2, 2022
Jordan, K. (2006). A case study: How a disaster mental health volunteer provided spiritually, culturally, and historically sensitive trauma training to teacher-counselors and other mental health professionals in Sri Lanka, 4 weeks after the tsunami. Brief Treatment...
by Lindsay Mixer | Dec 2, 2022
Aten, J. D., O’Grady, K. A., Milstein, G., Boan, D., & Schruba, A. (2014). Spiritually oriented disaster psychology. Spirituality in Clinical Practice, 1(1), 20-28. DOI: 10.1037/scp0000008.
by patrickfisher | Jul 23, 2021
Aten, J. D., O’Grady, K. A., Milstein, G., Boan, D., & Schruba, A. (2014). Spiritually oriented disaster psychology. Spirituality in Clinical Practice, 1(1), 20. DOI: 10.1037/scp0000008
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