by Lindsay Mixer | Dec 2, 2022
Jordan, K. (2006). A case study: How a disaster mental health volunteer provided spiritually, culturally, and historically sensitive trauma training to teacher-counselors and other mental health professionals in Sri Lanka, 4 weeks after the tsunami. Brief Treatment...
by Lindsay Mixer | Nov 4, 2022
Yumagulova, L., Phibbs, S., Kenney, C. M., Yellow Old Woman-Munro, D., Christianson, A. C., McGee, T. K., & Whitehair, R. (2021). The role of disaster volunteering in Indigenous communities. Environmental Hazards, 20(1), 45-62.
by Lindsay Mixer | Nov 11, 2021
Roberts, F., Teague, B., Lee, J., & Rushworth, I. (2021). The prevalence of burnout and secondary traumatic stress in professionals and volunteers working with forcibly displaced people: A systematic review and two meta‐analyses. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 34,...
by Lindsay Mixer | Sep 22, 2021
Britton, N. R. (1991). Permanent disaster volunteers: Where do they fit?. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 20(4), 395-414.
by Lindsay Mixer | Sep 21, 2021
Marshall, M. C. (2007). San Antonio mental health disaster consortium: Hurricanes Katrina and Rita, a personal perspective. Perspectives in Psychiatric Care, 43(1), 15-21.
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